Bing Wang, Tobias Just, eds. Understanding China’s Real Estate Markets: Development, Finance, and Investment
Switzerland: Springer International. 2021.
Order from Springer or Amazon.
Bing Wang ed. with contribution from A. Eugene Kohn, Global Leadership in Real Estate and Design
Cambridge, MA: Harvard Graduate School of Design, 2015
Bing Wang and R. Peiser, eds., Prestige Retail Design and Development
International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) and Harvard Graduate School of Design, 2014
Bing Wang, The Architectural Profession of Modern China: Emerging from the Past
Beijing: Foreign Language Press, 2011
R. Peiser and Bing Wang, eds., Nexus: Field Studies in Real Estate, Urban Planning and Design
Cambridge, MA: Harvard Graduate School of Design, 2005
“Teaching Design to Real Estate Students”
with R. Peiser, Urban Land, (Washington DC: Urban Land Institute, 2011: November/ December), 108-112
“Cities in Transition: Episodes of Spatial Planning in Modern China,”
Crossing Borders: International Exchange and Planning Practices, P. Healey and R. Upton, eds. (London, New York: Routledge, 2010), Ch. 5, 95-116
“Formation and Re-formation of the Architecture Profession in China: Episodes, Underlying Aspects and Present Needs,”
with P. Rowe, Prospects for the Professions in China, W. Alford and W. Kirby, eds. (London: Routledge, 2010), Ch.12, 255-273
“Non-Performing Loan Resolution in China’s Urban Revitalization,”
with R. Peiser, Urbanization in China, Y. Song, C. R. Ding, eds. (Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2007), Ch.12, 206-239
“Redevelopment in a Transitional Market”
Regenerating Older Suburbs, R. Peiser, ed. (Washington DC: Urban Land Institute, 2007), 185-191
Baileys Crossroads, Virginia – an Advisory Panel Report
Urban Land Institute (Washington D.C.: Urban Land Institute, 2006)
Nexus: Field Studies in Real Estate, Urban Planning and Design, R. Peiser and B. Wang, eds. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Graduate School of Design, 2005), 1-5
"China’s Non-Performing Loans"
with J. Rodman and R. Peiser, Urban Land Asia, 26-29 (2004: December)
"Non-Performing Loan Resolution in China"
with R. Peiser, Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, Vol. 8, No. 4, 2002: 115-127
Publication of the teaching Case Study on China’s Non-Performing Loan International Auctions by Harvard University
with G. V. Liphart, 2004